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Restoration of Palazzo Ragazzoni – Flangini – Billia

Restoration of Palazzo Ragazzoni - Flangini - Billia

Sacile (PN), Italy

Comune di Sacile

2008 - 2019

Amount of works

Prof. Arch. Eugenio Vassallo, Faccio Engineering, Prof. Ing. Piercarlo Romagnoni, Prof. Arch. Marco Pretelli, Arch. Andrea Donadello

The sixteenth-century Palazzo Ragazzoni-Flangini-Billia is the most important noble residence in Sacile. The return of this splendid building to the city is part of the programme for the enhancement of the historical architectural heritage launched by the Municipal Administration over the last decade. The restoration project, divided into phases, involves the restoration of the hall of honour (2nd section) with the cycle of frescoes depicting the glories of the Ragazzoni family, painted in 1583 by the mannerist Francesco Montemezzano, a pupil of Veronese. The second intervention (3rd section) involved the restoration of “La Manica”, a twentieth-century wing of the building, used as a school building until the second half of the last century.

  • Preliminary design
  • Detailed design
  • Final design
  • Health and Safety for design and construction
  • Construction Management

The restoration and seismic upgrading work has returned to the city a multifunctional space for cultural, exhibition and recreational uses, reconfiguring this wing as a functional and cultural access to the entire complex. For example, the construction of the new staircase in place of the later extension of the structure, a staircase that is configured both as a tool intended for an adequate use of the spaces, and as a something signalling the stratifications of the building as a whole.

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